Saturday, October 27, 2012

Berkesannya Evening Primrose Oil

Produk Evening Primrose Oil ni boleh didapati di mana-mana cawangan COSWAY dan dalam 50 softgels x 500mg & 50 softgels x 1000mg. Harga boleh tahan tapi beli la time ada promosi sangat jimat! Harga promosi dalam RM38.00 / RM39.00 E 
:: Beli 2 set free 1 set ::

Kebaikan Minyak EPO berkualiti untuk kesihatan dan kecantikkan:

1. Membantu mengawalatur kitaran haid'
2.  Melegakan Sindrom Sebelum Haid (PMS)-iritasi, sakit kepala, sakit payudara, kesenakkan dan kekejangan perut
3. Mengurangkan simptom putus haid-panas badan, peluh sejuk kemurungan dan kekeringan faraj
4. Menggalakkan kulit yang sihat, muda berseri -bermanafaat kepada kulit yang kering, tua atau berminyak.
5. Melegakan ekzema dan alergi kulit
6. Memperbaiki rambut yang kering dan rosak serta melegakan kilit kepala yang gatal
7. Menguatkan kuku yang mengelupas atau mudah patah

Baca lebih lanjut di sini

******* Komen Missoyaa *******

Produk ni memang berkesan untuk mengawal kitaran haid. Adik saya dekat setahun x datang haid mungkin sebab berat badan berlebihan tapi lepas ambik produk ni dalam sebulan lebih akhirnya dengan penuh kegumbiraan + melompat2 adik saya berkata " waaa...saya beranak suda!! ha ha ha ". Tahniah!  

Website rasmi Cosway di sini

The Nescafe story

I love coffee! This is one of my favorite drink Nescafe ice-milk coffee drink, you can buy it at any local shop. I think on the left side is the new packing still blue in color just the graphic design change a bit. What ever change its still my favorite drink. Price: RM1.70

Mcd coffee

Other coffee that I like and a must to order is premium roast coffee from McD. When you order it for breakfast you can refill it again. What a happy life :)  Price: RM3.70

Sundrop-Kopi susu

This coffee taste a bit heavy and good to make you stay up at night because I have tried it before and kick! You can buy it easily at any local shop for the price RM1.70.

I like it all! But usually I buy the Nescafe-Original. Price: RM1.70 - 2.50

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Awesome art

I love it!Simple but creative and I guess need high skills to make it happen for the wall above.

Samurai Burger akhirnya

Di dapar my adik sedang memasak dan saya baru sampai rumah dari tempat keja dalam jam 7pm....

Adik    : hehee...uii ko mau makan fast food ka?
Me      : Apa?? pas pood??
Adik    : Iya pas pood (sambil senyum jahat)
Me      : Iya mo bha kalo ko belanja ngeeee...bha siap2 la.

Maka, malam itu kami 4 beradik pegi la McD terdekat... makan malam yang adik saya masak tu simpan untuk besok! he he he...
Ya ni la masanya! Memang sedap la kena dgn selera ;p

Adik bongsu order ni Double mcChicken!
Adik saya yang kecik sikit order ni Happy Meal tapi mainannya xda??!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I'm still single so what?

5 kelebihan single-mingle

1. Kawan
Bebas berkawan dengan siapa2 sama ada lebih byk kawan lelaki @ perempuan. Kepada yang berlainan jantinan tu batas dalam pergaulan kena jaga skit ye...

2. Duit
Single lebih jimat kerana anda hanya berbelanja untuk diri anda dan tidak perlu susah hati untuk berbelanja kepada pasangan betulkan? Yang lelaki boleh fokus lebih untuk modified kereta.

3. Bebas
Si single bebas untuk buat apa saja seperti melancong, keluar bersama kawan2 atau blind date!

4. Tidak banyak masalah
Kalau single masalah tidaklah banyak sangat seperti yang bercouple.

5. Kurang tanggungjawab

Tanggungjawab adalah lebih berat sekiranya anda adalah seorang lelaki, yang wajib untuk melindungi pasangan anda, dari segi soal keselamatan mahupun keselesaan kehidupan mereka.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pekan Nabalu Part:2

Hi, these picture was taken on our way back home from Kundasang to Kota Kinabalu. It's after the 3rd day of Hari Raya. Every year my family will gather at my mother kampung which is Dumpiring Atas, Kundasang. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of awesome scenery that anyone out there want to capture! But sadly I'm just using camera HP hope you still enjoying it. All of  these picture taken at Pekan Nabalu.

Crafted wooden with shell - Congkak

Wooden bangle

Crafted wooden of Gong (small) RM30

Crafted wooden Gong (big) RM40

Decorative mask from Sabah

Colored decorative mask from Sabah

Decorative mask from Sabah


Beras bukit RM10 per bag

Pekan Nabalu Part:1

Hi, these picture was taken on our way back home from Kundasang to Kota Kinabalu. It's after the 3rd day of Hari Raya. Every year my family will gather at my mother kampung which is Dumpiring Atas, Kundasang. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of awesome scenery that anyone out there want to capture! But sadly I'm just using camera HP hope you still enjoying it. All of  these picture taken at Pekan Nabalu.

My student thumbdrive

            Hello, this is some funny things I found. Can you see the thumb-drive? One day I asked my student to send their assignment in softcopy format. So, they give me their work in a thumb-drive. I am shocked because they gave me a naked thumb-drive (without the plastic cover) and it makes me laughing until the ends of the class ha ha ha...

* Btw that's crocodile is mine

Naked thumb-drive

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

In memory - Whitey

Whitey's story

The black cat is Whitey's  mother and on the right side is Whitey. At this moment, Whitey is not in the good health so weak and thin. I knew it would not be long...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Whitey cat

         This is a story about a kitty named Whitey. Her mother is black and father is unknown. Kitty has 3 siblings but unfortunately they did not make it until the end of the day. So sad they die ... until one day, its Whitey turn to follow her siblings. Now, Whitey's mother alone again.

         Few months fly, Whitey's mother was pregnant again. Other Whitey's siblings was born. One die and two amazingly alive until now. Their name are Black and Tiny.

::: I am not a cat lover :: BUT :: I do like cat :::

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Homemade craft

Salam dan selamat berhari minggu... minggu pertama di bulan Ogos 2012, hati sedikit gunda gulana sebab memikirkan perkembangan tesis yang x kembang2! Sudah sebulan saya x berjumpa dengan penyelia ni lagilah menambahkan kegundaan di hatiku. Apa kaitan dgn gambar dibawah dengan entri saya ni? memang x ada kaitan saja ja meluahkan perasaan hahaha...

Hasil kerja-tangan nenek ku yg diperbuat drpd bekas plastik minuman 3in1

Bekas untuk mengisi alat tulis dgn tema rekaan Kaamatan


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