Monday, January 9, 2012

Tikus itu ayam?


a gentle warning to you all out there. If you eat any chicken from our neighbor country just be careful. It looks yummy and delicious, but do you know that you are eating rat. ya rat! You see how this people create something that looks similar to the food that we eat everyday. Below is some photo to proof that how they process the rat into a chicken. So be careful when you eat chicken.

Berhati-hatilah pada mereka yang hendak pergi bercuti bersama keluarga tersayang atau kawan-kawan. Makan jangan sembarangan lahap je. Renung-renungkan dan selamat makan. 


 Dibakar untuk menghilangkan bulu dan dicuci bersih

 Dipotong-potong sehingga menyerupai ayam!!

 Dihidang dengan bumbu

 Siap!! (Adoii senak perut rasa...)


1 comment:

Baca dan komen ya ^____^


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