Thursday, February 16, 2012

City Futsal, Rampayan, Menggatal

City Futsal counter
One of the City Futsal field
Let's play some ball!!

What is Futsal? Through the Wikipedia definition Futsal is a variant of association football that is played on a smaller pitch and mainly played indoors. Its name is a portmanteau of the Portuguese futebol de salão and the Spanish fútbol de salón (colloquially fútbol sala), which can be translated as "hall football" or "indoor football". During the sport's second world championships held in Madrid in 1985, the name fútbol Sala was used. Since then, all other names have been officially and internationally changed to futsal.

Fuh, enough with the definition! It's been a while I haven't play futsal because my last moment kicking a futsal ball is somewhere on September 2011 (now is January 2012). I have the opportunity to kick again thanks to Sukan Staff UMS 2012. Guest what? I am the gol keeper. We play at the City Futsal at Kampung Rampayan (Sabah).

Check the rates!
Court 1(Mon-Sun)
8am-4pm = RM100
4pm-10pm = RM180
10pm-1am = RM130

Court A, B, C (Mon-Fri)
8am-4pm = RM35
4pm-10pm = RM100
10pm-1am = RM80

Court A, B, C (Mon-Fri/Public holiday)
8am-4pm = RM50
4pm-10pm = RM100
10pm-1am = RM80

Court A, B, C (Sat-Sun)
8am-4pm = RM35
4pm-10pm = RM100
10pm-1am = RM80

For more info about City Futsal contact them:
Tel: 088-491923/492923
Hp: 016-8304923

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Baca dan komen ya ^____^


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